
Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

Why did Lady Jane Grey become queen for only nine days?

A. Religion

*Little support from the people to Jane Grey as queen because of her religious faith

There was little support for Jane Grey as Queen among the vast majority of the English people. Hardly anyone had ever heard of Jane Grey, particularly outside of London. Many English citizens resented the Protestant nobles who had virtually ruled England during King Edward’s reign, and wanted no part of a puppet Queen controlled by the Dudley faction.

*People more comfortable if their leaders one faith with them
Despite her Catholicism, Mary was the acknowledged heir to the throne in the minds of the people. Within a few days, supporters of Mary Tudor rallied to Mary’s side, and a fighting force was created to help her regain her throne.

B. Decision of The Ministers
The Privy Council switched their allegiance from Jane to Mary, and proclaimed her queen in London on 19 July. Northumberland set out from London with troops on 14 July; in his absence the Privy Council switched their allegiance from Jane to Mary, and proclaimed her queen in London on 19 July. The Privy Council prefer when Mary Tudor became Queen of England because it is directly appointed by King Henry VIII.

C. Rebellion
*Jane is accused for rebellion

Lady Jane was tried and found guilty of her role in the insurrection, in which Guildford's father John Dudley was leading the plot to take Mary Tudor's throne

However, when a second plot to dethrone Mary Tudor was discovered. The goal of this new rebellion, lead by Sir Thomas Wyatt, was to prevent the marriage of Mary Tudor to Philip of Spain. Unfortunately, Lady Jane Grey's father was an active participant in the new scheme. Apparently he had learned nothing from his earlier experience. His feelings toward his daughter are apparent here, as he was willing to sacrifice Jane's life to achieve his own goals. Although Jane had no part in the Wyatt Rebellion, Queen Mary’s advisors felt that Mary’s throne would not be secure until Lady Jane Grey was removed. Jane had already been a figurehead in one plot, and would always be a tempting focus for future revolts against Mary Tudor. Then, Lady Jane, her husband Guilford Dudley, and her father Henry Grey were executed.

*Mary also do a rebellion
But, rebellion also made from Mary Tudor and her allies. Because in King Henry’s will, King Henry VIII had named his oldest daughter, Mary, as heir to the throne after Edward and Mary feel more worthy to receive the throne as queen

D.Betrayal by John Dudley the Duke of Northumberland
*John Dudley’s plan
To further consolidate his power, John Dudley decided that Lady Jane Grey should marry his youngest son, Guildford Dudley. That way, when Lady Jane became Queen, she could share her crown with Guildford, who was dominated by his father. Then, Jane realized the extent of Northumberland's plan. Northumberland had not wanted her as Queen. He had wanted her as his son's wife. Guildford as King of England, would give Northumberland supreme power

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